Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Four years to remember, a moment to forget, a lifetime to cherish!

Its so ironical in life that Mohammad Azharuddin is remembered more for match-fixing, Indira Gandhi for the dark days of emergency and more recently Manmohan Singh for the 2G scam allegations. Its intrigruing that one moment of rash thought, when the darker side of grey cells impose themselves , in the small evening between day and night when we bid good night to the better ideals of live that we have lived our entire life, it is these moments that dwarf the otherwise better deeds in life.

Four years is not a small time in any mortal's dictionary. Not even in Einstien's who proved time is elastic. We have seen it all. The different seasons in life. The blood red, the soothing blue and the dark black. We have walked together in paths dreaded by most. Paths infected by wild beast, thorns that threatened to paint our body red. We have walked together when the only shade from the world were each other. We have also walked together in the dark nights when the only light emanated from each other. Through days, when we longed to see the night. Through days, when there was not a moment to stand and smile.

Probably, I was mistaken. We had seen all but one seasons. I had never seen a day as dark as today. Its said, dogs run helter skelter during an eclipse. My hands tremlbe as I write this. I wish this is an ecipse. I so, wish. I want to see the light again. Like the wolves hovle, the dark days fermented my mind. Actions which perhaps not worthy of me is what I liked doing. But the day shall not remain dark forever. I shall not hovle forever.

There is so much that hings on what you decide. Four Years to remember, a moment to forget,a lifetime to cherish.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Free Meals

Four eyes glued at the doorsteps, mist eyed, an ocean of expectations beneath, trying to avoid the glaring eyes of “others”, the others being everyone including the radiant sun, the soothing wind. The hair is slowly turning silver. There is a lump in the throat. They are scared. For a fleeting second, some good omen plants a tree of hope in their hearts which the doctor feel is stressed out, owing to years of honest sweat. Alas, the moment does not last long. The slow resignation to fate is imminent. God is not kind, yet they chant his praises with the hope that He will prove He is indeed the kindest, the noblest of what we have ever known. She has promised Him whatever she can, if her ONLY wish is granted. Their only son has gone for a job interview. This is his umpteenth interview without coming home with the offer letter.

Although this scene is “kahani ghar ghar ki”, seldom have people understood the plight of the turmoil. Their son is a first class graduate from a private college without any vices and was once, a very popular and cheerful person. Sometimes, you felt confidence is a trait that would never desert him. Indeed, he never bowed to the customs that an interview dictated. Probably, that was his undoing. There was always a second chance. But, his chance never came. Slowly, the famed confidence deserted him. The tears started replaced the smiles. The romantic FB updates were replaced by subtler and melancholic updates. Every failed interview pushed him into his dungeon more. The number of times he yelled at his parents increased at much as the number of times his jokes started decreasing.

Suddenly, every word hurts a person. Now, when his dad said, “Wish we had a car like them!”, there is a sense that he would never be able to realize his parents dreams. He was an expression of their parent’s dream. Their dream was getting distorted. Their only son was not begging in front of companies for a job. Pity that they cannot let their tears out. Probably, they cry alone, away from everyone. Sometimes, its puzzling trying to figure out who is suffering more, their son or parents.

To them, every relative in a good company now resembles God. Thousands of place, each of them have begged for recommendations. They are prepared to go to any length only for that ONE wish. Every job advertisement is an oasis in this desert of excruciating uncertainty. Every time, the mail box is opened, the hurt pumps a million times faster with the false hope of finding an opportunity only for it to come crashing down in MBps!

He is a job hunter. Till he hunts for his meals…only till..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Evil hymms, The Satanic Melody

Perhaps, even before you read, I might be dismissed as one of those fellows disgruntled with life looking for a scapegoat on whom I can rest my failure which is becoming increasingly heavy to live with. And more so, when the scapegoat in question is The divine Himself.And in these moments of darkness is when light is recognized in its purity.

To some, God is hope. Yes, indeed He is. But isn’t the hope more often than not false? For every SRK, there are thousands of karims and Sameers who tread the path of hope abandoning the path of rational thinking only to end up at a pity place. As most often would be the case, the theists will attack me with a typically emotional situation. Say, a 70 year old woman holding on to the stick of hope waiting for her long lost son so that she can walk the final third of her life with her hand on him? If God was really compassionate, would he allow her eyes to become misty ever?

It is in such times of despair, the scary hymms sound appeasing. The nights seem more secure than the daylight. The autumn of oblivion is comforting. SATAN IS GOD. Or rather is God Satan? Visit a martyrs home, a home of 17 year girl raped. Visit the heart of a youth who is begging for job? That pain is truth. Love never was truth. God never was. Satan is.

Satan is the balm that every man in darkness cries for. Yes, he is a man made creation. So, was God.

God Is Satan. Satan is God.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The call of the clouds

Simplicity and elegance possibly lies in separation of duties and responsibilities. And that’s probably why democracy represents a more viable option compared to dictatorship.

Internet just shows us how viable it could be commercially. This makes me wonder, if the present day mobile service operations could operate like how the internet did, maybe life would have been better. The service operators like Airtel, Vodafone etc. should be limited to providing hardware network services and nothing more, nothing less. A suitable comparison point is what BSNL’s internet connection is. Only the concept and not the quality of service.All services like calling,texting,storing of contacts could be handled by other companies using the service operator’s networks. The value added services could be provided by these companies. This is akin to Gmail which uses its own servers and we,clients use our network connect to access the service. Cloud computing is an enabler to this technology.

One of the major advantages of this technology would be we could have accounts to call unlike the current technology where sim card plays the pivotal role. In simple words, imagine having a number like an email account protected by a password. If you are struck at some place without your mobile, you could ask any stranger for his phone,login to your account,perform the call and logout. Something akin to an email account.