Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Evil hymms, The Satanic Melody

Perhaps, even before you read, I might be dismissed as one of those fellows disgruntled with life looking for a scapegoat on whom I can rest my failure which is becoming increasingly heavy to live with. And more so, when the scapegoat in question is The divine Himself.And in these moments of darkness is when light is recognized in its purity.

To some, God is hope. Yes, indeed He is. But isn’t the hope more often than not false? For every SRK, there are thousands of karims and Sameers who tread the path of hope abandoning the path of rational thinking only to end up at a pity place. As most often would be the case, the theists will attack me with a typically emotional situation. Say, a 70 year old woman holding on to the stick of hope waiting for her long lost son so that she can walk the final third of her life with her hand on him? If God was really compassionate, would he allow her eyes to become misty ever?

It is in such times of despair, the scary hymms sound appeasing. The nights seem more secure than the daylight. The autumn of oblivion is comforting. SATAN IS GOD. Or rather is God Satan? Visit a martyrs home, a home of 17 year girl raped. Visit the heart of a youth who is begging for job? That pain is truth. Love never was truth. God never was. Satan is.

Satan is the balm that every man in darkness cries for. Yes, he is a man made creation. So, was God.

God Is Satan. Satan is God.

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