The King!! – this very word paints a picture of unquestioned authority, regal grandeur, supreme splendor and anything and everything related to royalty. The heir apparent – The Prince is synonymous with chivalry, valour and a nonchalant way of life.
The excitement of being in the foothills of an epoch is a million times more than the satisfaction attained after climbing the peak. A prince’s mind is cluttered by what all he can do, a King’s mind by why he should NOT do. The burden of responsibility, the mountain of expectation is something that the King has to be content with. Without being tarnished by age, without the fear of facing failure life would seem a bed of roses. Little does he know that the thorns prick only the Supreme. The Prince has authority, yet no responsibility. In brief, isn’t his life a honeymoon? Yet, doesn’t every Prince want to become a King soon?
In some ways, a prince exemplifies an ordinary human’s life. Little does he know that the destination he craves for is itself colder than where he is now! While we crave for all the authority, respect and everything wordly little do we realize that it’s a bait for us to fall into a trap of stress, of unwanted responsibility, of wordly pleasure…into a world of darkness. While I write this article, I do realize I have fallen a prey to this bait many times..:)