Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Should I laugh or should I cry?

An optimist may say “The glass is half full..” while a pessimist, “The glass is half empty!!”. I think I am a super pessimist.

The rule of inevitability suggests every game has a winner and a loser. Do we cry with the loser or do we celebrate with the winner? Do we mourn somebody’s loss or share somebody’s gain? I am proudly pessimistic here. I would prefer holding the losers hand than dancing with the winner. Yet, I may not be correct. For, the last thing that a person who has lost wants is somebody’s intrusion.

Sometimes. I wonder if there is anything in the world to bring joy to everybody. Somebody’s loss is always somebody’s gain. It reminds me remotely of the law of conservation of energy. ”total heat gained by a body is equal to total heat lost by a body.”. Possibly happiness is similar. Happiness is a temporary pleasure which ditches us in times least expected.

Even if it seems like am accusing the entire world, unfortunately I have always found the world romanticizing the vanquisher. The vanquished has no friends, no relatives……

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